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SAINT SEIYA Pandora Priestess Hades Myth Cloth BANDAI
Pandora is a Saint Seiya character appearing only in the manga and the anime The Lost Canvas.
As in each new Holy War between Hades and Athena, she is chosen to be the Commander of the Army of the God of the Underworld.
That's why we also find a character called Pandora during the Holy War of the 20th century, but it is a totally different person.
We discover very early in the series the character of Pandora, several years before the beginning of the Holy War of the eighteenth century, since she goes with the God Hypnos to the village of Tenma and Alone in order to find the latter to insert the soul of Hades in his body.
She will come back only a few years later when Hades' awakening in Alone will be complete.
Commander of her army, Pandora appears as a more warlike character than her counterpart of the XXth century. She seems to wear a kind of Surplice that covers part of her chest and surrounds her legs under her dress.