Merry, often fondly called Merry, was the first ship of the Straw Hat Crew. The Vogue Merry took them from East Blue, from Usopp's home village to Water Seven. It is a caravel that was designed by Merry, Kaya's butler (after Kuro). The Straw Hat Crew received it as a reward from Kaya for saving her from Kuro's impending murder.
Over time, the ship became so beloved by the crew as a home that it literally took on a personality of its own and became part of the crew like any other member. Unfortunately, the Vogue Merry took an incredible amount of damage in its "lifetime": getting blown up, impaled and even sliced up several times. Obviously, the ship could not go on much longer after arriving at Water 7 and received a Viking funeral.
The Vogue Merry had a triangular fore sail and a central rudder. The ship's armament consisted of four cannons, one forward, one aft and two pointing to each side. These were rarely used, as the Straw Hat pirates generally preferred to run away or engage in hand-to-hand combat. After the Arlong Park Arc, the Vogue Merry gained three tangerine trees from the Bell-mère grove, a memento of Nami's home. As the series continued, the ship took more and more damage and gained several metal plates to hold together places that could not be nailed together: prominent examples are the bow and mast, which were torn off several times. During the Skypiea Arc, the body of the ship was ephemerally annexed wings as well as the figurehead of a ram, dressed as a chicken.
In volume 11 of the manga, Oda presented various diagrams and explanations of each part of the ship. These included all the parts of the ship.