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Sauron (Quenya the Abominable or the Hated) was originally a Maiar and a follower of Aulë god of the earth. But he was soon corrupted by Melkor and became his most loyal and powerful lieutenant.
First Age
During the First Age, he appeared several times in the Lai of Leithian: he decimated the companions of Barahir, fought Finrod Felagund and tried to stop Beren and Lúthien.
After the Fall of Morgoth
After the fall of Morgoth, he made an act of contrition but, fearing the wrath of the Valar, refused to go to Valinor to make an act of submission. He hid in Middle-earth and fell back into the grip of evil. Gandalf indicates in The Lord of the Rings that Sauron will never become "good" again, even if many Ages were to pass.
After a long period of calm, Sauron, hoping that the Valar had turned away from Middle-earth again, tried to regain his lost power. He traveled the land in disguise, corrupting many Men and trying to win the Elves over to his cause. After being refused by Gil-galad and Elrond, Sauron presented himself as Annatar at the gates of Ost-in-Edhil and seduced the Elves of Eregion. There, he encountered the distrust of Galadriel, whom he succeeded in overthrowing by stirring up a revolt.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)