LORD OF THE RING Gollum 1/4 Scale NECA
NECA has released its 1/4 scale figure of Gollum and Smeagol as they appear in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.
Born around 2440 AD, Gollum is originally a Hobbit. He was once called Sméagol, from the branch of the Fortauds, who lived on the banks of the Anduin, near the Fields of Iris.
It is said that in his youth, he was a discreet and rather bad Hobbit, hated by his family.
Taking the Ring
In 2463 A.D., he seized the One Ring after killing his cousin Déagol who had just discovered the ring in the bed of the Anduin.
Driven away by his family, he takes refuge in a cave in the Misty Mountains and takes the name "Gollum" because of the swallowing noises he makes with his throat.
Thanks to the One Ring, his life is extended by several centuries, but he is obsessed by it to the point of becoming its slave.
Riddles in the Dark
In 2941 A.D., he crosses paths with Bilbo Baggins, who has just found the One Ring that Gollum had misplaced.
He follows Bilbo eastward to Esgaroth and then southward to Mordor. Captured and then released by Sauron, he is taken by Aragorn who delivers him to the Wood Elves of the Black Forest, from whom he escapes.
He finds refuge in Moria where he crosses the path of the Fellowship of the Ring, which he follows to Amon Hen.