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SAINT SEIYA God Hypnos Myth Cloth BANDAI
God Hypnos is very different from his brother Thanatos. He is more kind and compassionate (for him, Pandora had the right to life for the services she rendered to Hades for many years). He took Seiya seriously without underestimating him from the beginning. In Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas, Hypnos is a god who despises humans, Pandora being no exception (even if he seems to trust her), but is, unlike his twin brother Thanatos, a cautious god, not hesitating to take initiatives, such as sending the Dream Gods to steal and lock up Sysiphe's soul deep in the dream world. He seems interested in the surprises that human feelings can hold.
He looks like his twin brother Thanatos (they have long hair, face, height etc...) except that Hypnos has golden hair and eyes. His surplice is golden and metallic, decorated with what seems to be a peacock tail. In The Lost Canvas, he keeps his golden hair and eyes, but his surplice loses its golden color, to take an almost black tint.
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